After 5 long years in a company of a brand that i truly love – Dominos Pizza
My journey at Alamar Foods came to an end on 30th September 2020 (Aug 2015- Sep 2020). It was a sad farewell moment, but during these tough times of COVID-19, I was able to get the team together in the office for a farewell party and feel blessed to have found an opportunity when finding a job seems difficult. As the company could not match my offer at the current situation, and my career growth seemed to be at a standstill, as the opportunity came, I decided to make the move, got lucky to have found a job in the Oil and Gas Industry in a 60-year-old company in the Middle East based in Kuwait – Gulf Cryo gave me the opportunity to join their team as their KSA/Bahrain IT guy.
A change that I was looking for many reasons, at the topmost was to move out from parents as I turn 32 very soon, I needed to break free from family and live by myself and secondly, to test myself out in different weather conditions to improve my health condition. It all happened smooth enough, the whole transition process and without burning any bridges, I’m starting out a new journey that would be more meaningful in the long run.
Looking forward to new adventures.
02 October 2020.
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